In Favor of a Cure Pink Ribbon Plantable Wildflower Favors
How often does a fabulous favor come along that is environmentally friendly, delights guests and helps save the lives of millions? Sounds perfect, doesn't it? It is. The Pink Ribbon Plantable Wildflower Favor is one of three favors in Kate Aspen's In Favor of a Cure Pink Ribbon Collection. The ivory-lined pink ribbon is embedded with wildflower seeds that, when planted, blossom into a glorious garden of brightly colored wildflowers your guests are sure to enjoy. This symbolic plantable is a lovely start for a garden in honor of__or in memory of__a loved one touched by breast cancer. And 10% of the net proceeds from the sale of our Pink Ribbon favors will benefit two national charities dedicated to supporting women__young and old__living with breast cancer, and granting the dreams and wishes of terminally ill breast cancer patients. Not bad for one little favor! If you want to make lasting memories for your guest__whatever the occasion__the Pink Ribbon Plantable Favor is all you need. The ribbon favor measures 2 1/2" x 1 1/2", and the cream-colored envelopes are included. Sold in sets of 12 favors.

In Favor of a Cure Pink Ribbon Favor Box
Kate Aspen has great expectations for this small favor box! Lovingly designed with the symbol of hope for millions of women worldwide, the Pink Ribbon Favor Box brings with it an opportunity for both Kate Aspen and you to help save lives and change our future for the better. Kate Aspen has created the In Favor of a Cure Pink Ribbon Collection__meaningful favors perfect for almost every occasion. And 10% of the net proceeds from the sale of our Pink Ribbon favors will benefit two national breast cancer charities. Supporting women living with breast cancer, and granting wishes of terminally ill breast cancer patients, make this small favor box a very big deal! Pink ribbons lace the white top of this lovely favor, and an openwork ribbon on one side lets the pink box underneath shine through. The favor box measures 2" square and is sold in a set of 24.