Q: How do I know what items to include in my registry?
A: To help you get started we have made the following suggestions:Place Setting You need 12.
For a family of 4, we recommend at least 12 place settings; 16 if you have the cabinet space. Think about how often you run the dishwasher and how many people you entertain.Sugar and Creamer You need 2 sets.
One set is fine if you're serving 4 to 6 people, but for 8 or more, you'll need a second set. Another use for a creamer is for serving salad dressing and gravy and other sauces, or as an individual wine carafe.Salt and Pepper You need 2 sets.
One pair will serve 4 people. For serving more than 4, you'll need another pair so that passing around the table is easier. Another use is to fill one with spices such as nutmeg or cinnamon for sprinkling the top of a cappuccino.Butter Dish You need 2.
Remember the rule: 1 serves 4, so if you're serving more than 4 people, don't forget to purchase a second butter dish.Gravy You need 2.
Your famous gravy is always a hit: it goes so fast, plan a second one so no one misses out. Another use if for serving salad dressing on a buffet. You won't have to keep refilling it.Serving Bowls You need 6.
You can never have enough bowls. This is the most overlooked item until your house is full of guests. Use them for vegetables, salads, cereals, centerpieces, breads, popcorn -- there seems to be no end.Platters You need 2.
For entertaining a crowd or planning a buffet, you can have a platter for both ends of the table. You'll cut down on the passing and running to the kitchen for refills.Glassware You need 32.
For a family of 4, we recommend at least 5 glasses per person per day, plus extras for guests that may drop in. You know how many glasses you go through for juice, milk, water, soda, wine -- its a lot.Specialty Serving Pieces
A soup tureen, chip 'n dip set, beverage server or tea pot, and casserole dishes; each of these is great when you're entertaining, and we'll bet you'll think of lots of other uses for them, too.Canister Set You need 1.
One for the counter, of course, but think about other uses. Canisters can hold plants, twist ties, string and rubber bands in the kitchen, or cotton balls and other toiletry items in the bathroom.
Monday, December 31, 2007
Pfaltzgraff bridal registry tips
Labels: gift registry, tips